School Remains Open for children of critical workers and vulnerable children

4 January 2021

Image of School Remains Open for children of critical workers and vulnerable children

Dear Parents and Carers,

We will be open to those children whose parents are critical workers, children who have an EHCP and children who have a social worker. I appreciate that this will be incredibly frustrating and worrying news for may of you; please try not to worry, we will get through this. 

For those children who are remote learning - work will be available via their class google account.  If you need a copy of the log in for your child, please email your child's class teacher or the school office. From Wednesday onwards, this learning will include live Meet sessions with class teachers. Further details on times and how to access the meeting have been provided to year groups. 

Please can all children remember to send their class teacher a daily message and photo / copy of the work they have completed so that we can support the children. Whilst we appreciate that it is incredibly difficult to get children to home learn, there is an expectation that they will complete work and send it to school. Please let us know if you need help with this. 

If you do not have access to the internet, please let the school office know and we will do our best to help. We will provide paper copies of work if required. 

For those children who are attending school, please carry on as normal. The children should come into school at their normal time and go to their classrooms. They will also leave at the normal time. Care club is available tomorrow morning for any children who need to attend. 

The children should wear their school uniform as normal (or school PE kit if they have PE). Lunches will be provided as normal for those children who have a school lunch but breaktime snacks for children may not be available. If your child would like a mid morning snack, please can they bring their own tomorrow (cereal bar, toast, fruit). 

 If you have any questions, please contact school and we will do our best to help you. 


Kind Regards

Kirsty Broome