At Hassell Primary School, we are committed to supporting the mental health and wellbeing of our school community. We have a supportive and caring ethos where each individual and their contributions are valued.
At our school we aim to:
- Promote and build children's self-esteem
- Encourage children to be confident in themselves
- Help children to develop emotional resilience and manage challenges and setbacks
- Help children to share their worries and understand ways they can do this
- Help children to name, describe and deal with different feelings and emotions
- Support children in forming and maintaining healthy relationships
- Actively teach and promote ways to keep mentally healthy
- Work effectively in partnership with children, parents and support agencies
- Support and work with parents to promote ways of developing and maintaining good mental health
As a school we are here to support you and your child's health and wellbeing. If you have any concerns about your child or another child, please contact Mrs Broome, Mrs Brown or your child's class teacher in person, via email or via calling the school office on 01782 694567.
Links for Parents and Carers for further help and support:
Staffordshire Children's Advice and Support Service – to report a concern if you are worried about the safety of a child up to the age of 18.
Tel : 0800 1313126
Staffordshire Emotional Health and Wellbeing Service
NSPCC- advice on how to keep children safe including mental health, online safety and relationships
CAMHS: Child and Adolescents Mental Health Service
Staffordshire School Nurse Drop in- online drop in sessions and ways to contact school nurses (advice on any health issues)
Dove Service: Bereavement, Loss and Life Changing Illness support for children, adults and families
Changes YP: a support service promoting the recovery of young people in mental distress throughout Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire.
Home-Start: The team provides support for families across a range of issues such as post-natal depression, coping with disabilities, isolation, low self esteem, parenting difficulties, routines and boundaries, nutrition and cooking, attending medical appointments and lots more.
Glow Service: Support for children and families who experience domestic abuse or are at risk of domestic abuse
Alice Charity: Services include skills development, such as parenting techniques and budgeting; regular emotional and well-being support, signposting, emergency food parcels, as well as provision of essential equipment
Mind: For mental health advice and support for adults
Newcastle Food bank
Newcastle Borough Council Online Reporting-
01782 717717