Return to School - Wednesday 2nd September 2020
1 September 2020
Return to School – Wednesday 2nd September.
In September we will be working in 4 separate bubbles. These are:
Nursery, Miss Ryan (formerly Mrs Lear) and Mrs Pokora's classes
Mrs Descoteaux, Mrs Blake and Mrs Brown's classes.
Miss Dale, Mr Murdoch, Mrs Sammons and Miss Rosson's classes
Mrs Goodstadt, Mrs Plummer and Miss Stokes' classes.
The children in these classes will have their break times and lunch times together but will not mix with other children in school from the different groups.
Attendance and School uniform
All children will be expected to return to school in September and the usual absence routines are applicable. Please phone school to notify us of any absence if your child/ren are ill. Any time off must be applied for via letter with the reasons clearly explained in a letter. Only reasons deemed to be 'exceptional' can be given as authorised. Families of children who do not attend,or who have poor attendance, will be liable to fines from the LA if there is not a justifiable reason for their child's absence. Our target attendance level for each child is 96% over the course of the academic year.
All children should return to school wearing their uniform. Please ensure all clothing is labelled. For those families who need to purchase new items, please be aware that Smart uniform are working on an appointment system that has to be pre-booked. Children may bring bags to school with them to carry additional belongings.
Entry to school:
School will be open from 8.40 - 9.00am in the mornings for you to drop your children off. We will continue to use the side entrance to school onto the playground. The gates will close promptly at 9.00 and any children arriving after this point will be recorded as late. Children will enter from the following doors:
Miss Ryan, Mrs Pokora, Nursery through their class doors.
Mrs Descoteaux - KS1 cloakroom door
Mrs Brown - classroom door
Year 3/4 - white covered door on KS2 playground
Year 5/6 - Blue doors at the top of the KS2 playground.
Please can parents walk their children up, drop off and come straight off the playground so that we can maintain social distancing between adults as much as possible. Tempting through it will be to stand and chat when you haven't seen people for ages, this needs to be avoided. Please can children stay off the large playground equipment too.
Collection times for the end of the day
2.45 - Nursery, Mrs Pokora, Miss Ryan (class doors)
2.55 - Mrs Brown and Mrs Descoteaux (class door and KS1)
2.55 - Year 3/4 (KS2 playground)
3.00 - Year 5/6 (KS2 Playground)
Break times and lunchtimes
These will be in rotation on the KS1 and KS2 playground in bubble groups
Morning break - KS1 children should receive their fruit allocation as normal. Children in KS2 will have the opportunity to pre order toast. The cost will be 20p per slice (max 2 slices) Children may also bring their own helathy snacks for break time.
There will be a packed lunch offer available for all children, with sausage and chips on Fridays (menu available shortly).All reception and KS1 children will be entitled to a school lunch under the universal free school meal scheme and those KS2 children who are entitled to free school meals. All other meals can be paid for via parent pay. We encourage those children who bring their own packed lunches to make healthy choices please.
The children will not be expected to socially distance in their classrooms but there will continue to be additional cleaning and lots of hand washing when we return to school. This will include careful monitoring and cleaning of shared resources.
Reminders of all these details will be sent to families nearer the time, but hopefully this will give you an indication of the way school will work. If you have any additional queries, please don't hesitate to get in contact with us.
I hope you have all had a lovely summer break and we look forward to seeing all of our children return to school on Wednesday 2nd September
Kind Regards
Kirsty Broome