Our Early Years Foundation Stage key aim is to continue and extend the education which you, as parents/ carers, have begun at home to enable your child to foster a love of learning that will last a life time. Press the images below to take a tour of the Reception Class and take a look at a typical day in our class. If you have any questions please feel free to call the school and Miss Ryan will be happy to help.
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us, you can email us on [email protected] or message us via Class Dojo
Key information:
- PE will take place on Fridays. Please make sure your child comes to school in their PE kit on those days
- All children should wear uniform which is clearly named.
- Drop-off time is between 8:40am - 8.50am. Pick-up time is 2:55pm. Please drop off and collect your child from the side entrance.
- Please ensure your child has a waterproof coat, bookbag and water bottle in school everyday.
- For further details please see the Starting School Information Presentation
Early Adopter School
We have started this school year with an exciting change for our 'Early Years Foundation Stage'. Our school has opted in to be an ‘Early adopter’ and will be piloting the 'New Early Learning Goals'. Please see the Early adopter letter for more information by pressing the download arrow below. Please click the pictures below to view the Statutory framework for the early years foundation stage and for the new Development Matters documents.
The EYFS Framework
There are seven areas of learning and development that help to shape educational provision in Early Years settings. All areas of learning and development are important and inter-connected. None of the areas of learning can be delivered in isolation from the others. Our children’s learning experiences enable them to develop competency and skills not just academically but also socially, emotionally and physically.
The Early Years Foundation Stage
The Early Years Foundation Stage Framework supports an integrated approach to early learning and care. It gives all professionals a set of common principles and commitments to deliver quality early education and childcare experiences to all children from birth to 5. It provides the opportunity for learning and development to take place hand in hand by giving opportunities to develop in all 7 areas.
PSED - Personal, social, emotional development (developing self confidence and self awareness, making relationships as well as managing behaviour and feelings.)
CL - Communication and Language (speaking, listening and understanding.)
PD - Physical development (moving and handling as well as health and self care.)
LIT - Literacy (reading and writing.)
MATHS - Mathematics (numbers, shape, space and measure.)
UTW - Understanding the World (people and communities, the world and technology.)
EAD - Expressive Arts and Design (exploring and using media and materials as well as being imaginative.)
What to expect in the EYFS
The Department for Education has published a new guide for parents, produced by Sheringham Nursery School and Children’s Centre – ‘What to expect in the Early Years Foundation Stage’ (formerly ‘What to expect when’) which guides parents through what to expect in their child’s development. It aligns with the new Development Matters to help practitioners engage with parents about their child’s development. Please click on the link below to view this useful document.
Click the image below to see the parents guide.
All of those areas of learning are connected together. The characteristics of effective teaching and learning weave through them all. That’s because children in the early years are becoming more powerful learners and thinkers. These characteristics develop as they learn to do new things, acquire new skills, develop socially and emotionally, and become better communicators.
At Hassell Primary we plan learning experiences considering both the children's individual needs and achievements as well as a range of learning experiences that will assist them to make progress. Well planned play is a key way in which children learn with enjoyment and challenge during the Foundation Stage. Children deepen their understanding by playing, talking, observing, planning, questioning, experimenting, testing, repeating, reflecting and responding to adults and to each other.
Our learning environment is made up of areas which reflect all areas of the curriculum. Here children can make their own choices, encouraging them to play and explore. They can be active learners and are able to create and think critically. We operate an indoor/ outdoor learning experience for our young children, where they can move freely between both areas. Links are made between both learning environments, to ensure that all children receive a rich and varied curriculum that supports their learning and development.
Working with Parents
Working in partnership with parents is key to our approach; we encourage parent involvement. Once your child attends our setting we update parents regularly using Evidence Me (online app). Class DoJo is a secure online Learning Journal to record photos, observations and comments, in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum, to build up a record of your child's experiences during their time with us. As a parent you can also upload phots and share special moments with your childs' class teacher.
In Nursery we follow phase 1 of Letters and Sounds, Phase One is a very important stage and helps to develop key literacy skills. When children are ready we begin to teach them to read letter sounds and we follow the Read Write Inc. scheme. Please see link for parents information
Literacy in the early years, we love books and use them as a base to engage and excited our children with the hope that we will foster a love of literacy. We start by developing a rich language base with lots of stories, songs, rhymes and traditional tales and then we begining to write letters, words and sentences. We use Read Write Inc teaching methods to develop reading and writing at Hassell. .
Early numeracy approaches aim to develop number skills and improve young children’s knowledge and understanding of early mathematical concepts and language. Activities in this area are structured using the Power Maths scheme of learning, activities are designed to develop children’s understanding of key early concepts in maths. (SEE PROGRESSION DOCUMENT) At Hassell we always ensure there are lots of informal and practical ways to develop mathematical thinking, problem solving and skills; for example, using mathematical games, songs, or pretend activities involving key maths concepts. .
Smile for Life
Please download our termly curriculum documents here for more information about what we will are learning and to see examples of our work. We follow topics that a based upon our children's interests, our aim is to make school a safe, happy and engaging place to learn. The other areas of learning are taught throughout our themes / topics and throughout the indoor and outdoor classroom. (within the continuous provision)